Dr. Reddy's Foundation for Human and Social Development
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Changing Lives
On August 5, 2001, 250 young boys and girls from the slums of Hyderabad completed their training under the DRFHSD's Livelihood Advancement Business School (LABS) program.It was a dream come true for Prakash, when he was appointed as a customer relations executive in a private bank after completing the program.Earlier, Prakash used to work as an assistant to a painter who used to whitewash houses. Like Prakash many others benefited from the program. DRFHSD's innovative LABS program uplifted the lives of many young people living in the slums of Hyderabad.
DRFHSD set an example in corporate social responsibility for the rest of corporate India to emulate.DRFHSD undertook various programs in collaboration with the state government departments and other corporates to change the lives of the underprivileged, thus giving a new meaning to corporate social responsibility.Analysts said that the initiatives taken at DRFHSD could be termed 'Social Entrepreneurship', which aimed at adopting innovative methods to improve the lives of the underprivileged (Refer Exhibit I for Social Entrepreneurship)......
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According to reports, many corporates came forward to extend their support to the programs initiated by DRFHSD.With the success of the programs in Andhra Pradesh, DRFHSD decided to replicate such programs in other states. By 2003, DRFHSD extended its programs to the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharastra and Kerala.
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